hello hi there. one year ago my first music video, I Hope You Miss Me In Heaven, released. the first animation i made in three years. to celebrate, here’s some stuff from the production of that video.
first things first, let’s go over the animation. first I drew every frame in MS Paint. Then I edited out the green and saved each frame individually as a transparent image. Finally, I put ‘em all together in Adobe Animate.
(i forgot to draw her nose in this one so i added it later in adobe lol)
This mirror is a model i made in Paint 3D. The colorful shapely backgrounds were made using shape tweens.
The cloud backgrounds were just stock images i got from google. dont know who they belong to whoops
here’s the full video without the VHS BS:
speaking of which, let’s go to the VHS conversion. this was the main reason the video took so freakin’ long to release after it was finished (it was supposed to come out on Valentine’s Day). my plan was to display my computer screen on my TV using a HDMI cable, then record it onto a blank VHS by plugging the AV cables from my VCR into the TV. Turns out, VCRs don’t work like that. They can’t record HDMI signals. “SHIT.” i cried out in frustration. “i have no choice but to delay the release of this music video by least a week and one day. FUCK.”
a very special thanks to Valashard Toys N Tapes for this wonderful tutorial btw it was a big help:
I had to buy a HDMI2AV adapter to complete the conversion, which arrived much later than it was supposed to. I also ordered a AV capture card to convert the tape to a digital video. That got here pretty soon though. The capture software it came with sucked ass though, so i installed OBS and used that instead.
After i had everything I needed, it was smooth sailing. i was sick that day and had to stay home from school. if that didnt happen i probably wouldn’t have had enough time to release it when i did
anyway, the video got a lot of positive reception since it came out and i really appreciate that, thank ya'll so much!
as a treat for reading this far, here's some sneak peaks at another music video ive been chipping away at since 2022. fans of my art may recognize these characters...