one year of being an approved artist and i get un-scouted out of nowhere. fml
would've appreciated them telling me what i did wrong, some kind of reasoning, or at least notifying me of it at all instead of letting me find out for myself. but alright i guess
You did nothing wrong, the approved artists section of the Art Portal has certain standards in terms of skills and quality. I think you know what scouting is but just to be sure here three guides about it:
I know it may hurt discovering it after a while but I think that with time and patience you will managed to reach the eligibility for being scouted again. I've see artists getting scouted and un-scouted to be re-scouted again after meeting certain criteria. And to answer one of your questions in your tags "who-did-this", an art mod removed your scouting status after seeing your works and evaluating their status to be on the Art Portal or not.
Your art is cute and some works caught my interest in terms of faving such as Harriet's Hamburger and Family Don Don, the bright colours and the animated pixel art have the potential to become something really interesting for the Art Portal if you grind your skills in terms of shading, dynamic poses and perspective. If you want to strengthen your fundamentals I suggest this forum thread:
thank you for the help, this makes me feel a lot better. i really appreciate it
i know my art isnt amazing or anything. but if i really wasn't meant to be on the art portal with my current skill level, then why did it take almost a year for me to get kicked off? it just feels like a kick to the balls for it to happen a year into my newgrounds career, completely out of the blue, and right when i feel like my style and skills have really started to improve
i just wish there was more communication on the part of the mods, because i think i and a lot of other people who get unscouted would be a lot less upset if they at least talked to us about it. a simple "hey we made the decision to unscout you, here's our reasoning, here's what you can do to get scouted again" would go a long way, y'know?